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Sculptra Butt Lift

It’s natural when we experience weight loss, aging, and pregnancy we can experience a decrease in our butt’s natural plumpness. The Sculptra butt lift treatment is a minimally invasive, low-risk, nonsurgical option that can enhance the curve and shape of your butt.

What is Sculptra Butt Lift Treatment?

Sculptra is a FDA approved dermal filler, patients should be healthy enough to get dermal fillers. If you don’t smoke, are physically healthy, and have realistic goals for the results of this procedure, you may be a candidate.

How does a Sculptra work?

A Sculptra butt lift works differently than other kinds of dermal fillers. Instead of adding volume outright the way that hyaluronic acid ingredients would, Sculptra injects something called poly-L-lactic acid into your dermal layers. This substance works to kick-start your body’s natural collagen production mechanism. Since collagen is the protein that gives your skin its structure and shape, Sculptra injections fill out the area under your butt with a curved shape that looks natural and fits with your body type.

The building of collagen takes several weeks to months. This means you’ll likely need several injections to see improvement in volume and shape. Sculptra isn’t currently FDA-approved for use on any part of your body except for your face, however Sculptra for your butt is considered an off-label use. Anecdotally, many people who get this treatment report being pleased with their results. Schedule a consultation today!

To make this procedure accessible to all our patients we provide Financing options.
Call (414) 439-3000 for a cosmetic consultation.

Procedure for a Sculptra butt lift

The injection process itself will only take a few moments as your provider uses sterilized equipment to inject Sculptra into your buttocks area. After the injections are completed, you may receive a bandage on the area where the shots were inserted. You can get dressed as usual and are clear to drive immediately afterward.

Are there any risks or side effects?

Severe side effects and complications from dermal fillers are uncommon. After a butt lift, you may notice:

  • bruising or redness
  • asymmetrical results
  • lumps or bumps that may smooth out over time
  • bleeding at the injection site
  • temporary acne breakouts at the injection site
  • rash or itching
  • infection
  • Some people develop bruising at the injection site or nodules under their skin after getting a Sculptra injection. According to a 2015 study, 7 to 9 percent of people may experience nodules.

What to expect after a Sculptra butt lift.

Recovery after a butt lift is minimal. You will be given instructions and may be asked to avoid drinking alcohol and strenuous exercise for a day or two following the injection. You won’t see results right away. It can take 4 to 6 months for the results to become apparent, as the injection works to slowly boost your body’s collagen production.

Are the results permanent?

The results of this butt lift aren’t permanent. Sculptra dissolves and is absorbed by your body within 2 years after a procedure.

Targeted areas

Sculptra targets your buttocks and gluteal area. Unlike other procedures that harvest fat through liposuction, Sculptra only impacts your butt area.

How much does a Sculptra butt lift cost?

Sculptra butt injections are considered an elective cosmetic procedure. That means that your insurance plan won’t cover this treatment, and you’ll have to pay the full cost of the treatment out of pocket.

The key factor is how much volume you’re looking to add to your butt. Like other dermal filler ingredients, such as Botox, Sculptra is purchased by the vial and that cost is passed on to you as the consumer.

Sculptra butt lift vs. surgical butt lift

Sculptra is far less dangerous than other surgical procedures, such as Brazilian butt lift and butt implants. The results of a Sculptra lift may be less dramatic, and they are temporary. But it is safer and less expensive.

If you aren’t happy with the results, you can have more filler injected a few months after your initial treatment. If you think the results don’t look natural or aren’t what you had in mind, the treatment will wear off within 2 years.


Get in Touch

With board-certified plastic surgeons, two state certified surgical operating rooms, an anesthesiologist, and a team of specialized, credentialed nurses Illume provides ready availability for whatever cosmetic service or surgery you need. Let us help you Live Life Beautifully!

Call or text: 414-439-3000

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